Interesting Facts About The Wildebeest Migration Cycle

The wildebeest migration is often punted as the “greatest wildlife show on earth”. It is one of the most mind-boggling wildlife phenomena. It doesn’t have a straightforward begin or end, only a dynamic burn of wild development as the year progressed. It’s never the equivalent every year either. Not entirely unsurprising but rather simple enough to observe on the off chance that you plan around some key focuses. Individuals for the most part allude to this as the Serengeti Migration, yet you can likewise observe it on the Masai Mara in Kenya. So don’t miss this natural phenomenon amid your Tanzania Safari Tours.

Wildebeest Migration

Listed below are few interesting facts about the Wildebeest Migration Cycle:

Migration Is Driven By Rainfall Pattern

The wildebeest migration is typically determined by rainfall pattern. The wildebeest development, which is likewise broadly alluded to as one of the Wonders of the World, makes a dynamic clockwise cycle of natural life development around the year.

There is no particular calendar for the migrations since the downpours are unusual. In addition, there is no particular course pursued by wildebeests. Partition into gatherings heading in various ways is seen too.

How The Annual Wildebeest Migration Works?

Serengeti National Park

There is no fixed factor which determines how the annual wildebeest migration works but mainly, the regular downpours and the accessibility of foodstuff decides the “clockwise” movement of the migration. The bigger eco-framework incorporates Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park and Kenya’s Masai Mara. A couple of physical hindrances like the Simiti and Lobo slopes, the Grumeti and Mara waterways thwart and change this “circular” way.

Where To Watch The Migration On Safari?

The wildebeest migration is a development of creatures that ranges crosswise over both Tanzania and Kenya in a yearly cycle. The two goals are marvellous and offer all year diversion seeing. With regards to the Great Migration, voyagers should know the down to earth focal points of every nation.


Tanzania Safari offers a lot of the activity, with roughly 75% of the yearly wildebeest migration period spent in Tanzania. A restrictive feature of the Tanzania migration safari is the calving season which happens in February on the Serengeti Southern Plains. Another exceptional display is the many thousands intersection the Grumeti River among June and July.

Tanzania Safari

The other real feature is the intersection of the Mara River. The Mara River is the regular fringe among Kenya and Tanzania isolating the Maasai Mara and the Serengeti on either side of it, The Maasai Mara can be clamorously occupied, while the northern segments of the Serengeti have far fewer guests and progressively select sightings.


Right off the bat, the Maasai Mara is far nearer to Nairobi (the beginning of your Kenyan safari) than the northern Serengeti National Park is to Arusha (the beginning of your Tanzanian Safari) If you are going on safari just to watch the migration it is simpler getting to the Maasai Mara by vehicle than getting to the Serengeti by vehicle. In the event that anyway you are flying into either, the thing that matters isn’t excessively noteworthy.

From September to November, the groups are well on the way to be on the Kenyan side of the Mara River.

What’s The Best Time To See The Wildebeest Migration?

The best time to see the wildebeest migration is amid the dry season, among July and early October. It’s warm, the climate is steady, and creatures are plentiful. The meager vegetation and evaporated conduits power the creatures to head up north to discover nourishment and drink.

In the event that you visit in November or December, regardless you’ll see wildebeest and zebra; however the migration won’t be as articulated as amid July and August. Simply make certain to keep away from April and May in case you want to get the Migration. The creatures haven’t left the southwest yet and the heavy rains flood the Serengeti and make travel troublesome.

Some Interesting Facts About Mara River Crossing

Maasai Mara

The Mara River Crossing occurs amid the dry season. However, they’re tricky, they happen rapidly. They’re life-changing encounters.

The zones that the migration of wildebeest covers is immense, notwithstanding when crossed in a 4WD vehicle. That is in both the Serengeti and the Mara.

Note that there’s more Mara River facing in Tanzania than there is in Kenya. The migration can bungle over the fringe. Individuals can’t!

The moving gatherings might be part of a wide zone. Discovering one on the precarious edge of intersection is definitely not guaranteed.

The wildebeest are effectively scared by genuine or envisioned dangers. They dread intersection the stream, as they have a notion that something prowls there.

Persistent holding up almost a group by the stream may just create a puff of residue as they turn on their heels and flee. Or then again perhaps the crowd is simply not prepared to cross the stream and they are processing around happily.

However, if everything is correct. At that point there is articulate and uncommon disorder as the groups battle to get to the opposite side of a noteworthy stream loaded up with crocodiles.

Easily Deal With The Crowds By The Help Of Materuni Tours

materuni Tours

Without a doubt, there will be a large number of tourist want to witness this epic natural phenomenon. However, you have nothing to worry, because with Materuni Tours you can be assured of witnessing the wildebeest migration in complete solace and away from crowds during your Tanzania Safari Tours.

Key Of Successful Migration Safari

Individuals have a genuine effect on safari. Great expert aides who’re committed, experienced and arranged to make a special effort for the better photo or diversion experience could really compare to common luxuries.

Not that we have confidence in relinquishing common luxuries but rather as a matter of fact titivating camps and cabins is a speedier and less expensive method for concealing shortcomings in different zones. Utilizing and holding the best has and directs as a major aspect of the group is the greater and progressively significant test for any administrator.

When we run over an incredible guide or host it’s commonly sheltered to accept that the familiar luxuries have been taken well consideration.

Contact Materuni Tours today and get your dream trip started for the Wildebeest Migration amid your Tanzania Safari Tours. Our guides and safari experts have a lot of experience and will guide you into the heart of the action. Join us on an incredible Safari today!

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